
13:20. Forward doors

Forward doors

1 — the Panel
2 — the Cover
3 — the Bolt
4 — the Protective sleeve
5 — the driver's Door


Installation and adjustment


1. Establish doors on the aligning bolts, having at the same time inserted pneumatic lines and an electrical wiring through a forward rack.
2. Wrap bolts and tighten their moment 37 Nanometers.
3. Attach or weaken a protective sleeve and a clamp of a door to a forward rack.
4. Attach all conducting of a door of the driver to the conducting socket in a floor and fix them by the fixing tape. Install the panel on a floor. Remove an emphasis of a door and check a gap between a door and a body, adjust it if it is necessary.
5. Wrap bolts of fastening of an emphasis of a door, but do not tighten them.
6. Adjust the provision of a door of the driver so that the panel was aflush with a forward wing or is 1 mm lower. Check adjustment of a back door.
7. Adjust a door emphasis so that the door was completely closed, and adjust a door, moving an emphasis so that the door was flush with a back door or is 1 mm higher.
8. Tighten bolts of fastening of an emphasis of a door the moment of 20 Nanometers.
9. Check a contour of a door and establish a window frame. Check a door for ease of movement.