
3.24. Replacement of the saloon filter

Replacement is made in the saloon filter has to be made according to the Schedule of routine maintenance given above

Replacement of the dust filter of heater/ventilation (the top arrow specified manzhetny connection, lower - the direction of an otpuskaniye of a thermal valve)

2 — the Cover
3 — Bolts
7 — the Thermal valve

10 — Drains
43, 44 — Air gates
B10/5 — the air temperature Sensor


1. Disconnect manzhetny connections.
2. Disconnect vacuum tubes from air gates (43) and (44).
3. Turn off bolts (3).
4. Lift a cover (2).
5. Disconnect a thermal valve (7), having turned it to the left.
6. Remove the sensor of the air temperature (B10/5).
7. Uncover (2).
8. Take an element of the saloon filter and establish on its place new, - the filtering element is not subject to a clearing.