
2.6.11. Recommendations about driving of the car in adverse weather conditions

Features of driving in adverse road conditions

Driving during a rain, in strong fog or snowfall demands from the driver of special skills, in view of decrease in coupling of wheels with a paving and deterioration in visibility. Constantly support the car in technically working order. At commission of trips to bad weather observe extra care. Avoid use of a tempostat in adverse weather conditions.

Reduce speed and move more slowly, than usually in normal weather conditions on a dry paving. Remember that reactions of the car to management will be more sluggish and slowed down even if the paving looks only slightly damp. Try to influence all controls of the car smoothly. On a wet and slippery paving the sharp breakthrough of a steering wheel or careless squeezing of a brake pedal can lead to loss of control over management. At the beginning of a trip, still completely without having adapted to adverse weather conditions, show the increased care. It is especially useful to follow this rule at the movement during snowfall.

It is necessary to remember that at operation of the car in warm season many useful skills of driving of the car on a slippery paving are forgotten that demands some time for their restoration.

Show extra care, driving the car during a rain as lack of practice during the dry period does not allow to be reconstructed and adapt a bridle manner for new conditions quickly.

After the long dry period the first rains do a paving especially slippery.


For traffic safety in any weather conditions it is very important to have the good review in all directions. Take care also of that your car remained to well noticeable drivers of other vehicles, - you remember that at movement along the route inclusion of passing beam will never prevent even during daylight hours. It is more difficult to fulfill these requirements in adverse weather conditions.

Regularly check a condition of a brush of a screen wiper and a nozzle of a washer of a windshield. Constantly support the required liquid level in the tank of the washing liquid. Add in the tank only liquids, the recommended brands. You watch a condition of working elements of screen wipers, you make their replacement as soon as brushes cease to purify glass properly. For prevention of condensation of moisture on the internal surface of glasses use having blown in glasses air, in case of need turn on the air conditioner.

Coupling of tires with a paving

Regularly control pressure of a rating of tires and degree of wear (pattern depth) of their protectors. Both of these factors are extremely important from the point of view of good coupling of tires with a paving and prevention of the phenomenon of hydroplaning, that is sharp reduction of coupling with the road at entrance to pools. For ensuring the best controllability with the car and traffic safety at approach of a winter season use studded/special winter rubber.

During the movement constantly watch changes of road conditions which often are very unstable. Presence on the road of wet foliage can be not dangerous, than ice. Often in appearance the pure and dry paving can ice over certain sites. Especially dangerous conditions develop at air temperatures about 0 °C when pools can alternate with frost that does behavior of the car especially unpredictable.

Be careful when switching the automatic transmission in the lowered range. On a slippery covering sharp inclusion of a low gear can lead to short-term pro-slipping of driving wheels and a drift of the car

Extra care and attention are required from the driver at commission of overtakings. Equally it is necessary to observe attentiveness, when overtaking your car by other vehicles. Splashes of water and dirt from under wheels of the overtaken truck can sharply worsen visibility through a windshield. The rush of a side wind during commission of overtaking of the truck or the bus is dangerous by loss of control over management.